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Entuitive Wins At The OEPA Gala

Updated: Nov 27, 2024

Earlier this month, Entuitive was awarded at the Ontario Engineering Project Awards (OEPA) Gala for bridge design and structural engineering for the Port Lands Bridges. Winning in the category of Transit & Transportation, Entuitive’s project team for the Port Lands Bridges was in attendance, including Michael Meschino, Jonathan Werner, Navan Chawla, Misha Vickar, and Dino Verrelli.

The 20th annual OEPA Gala, held on May 10th, was organized by the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Ontario (ACEC -Ontario) to promote its members’ contribution to the social, environmental, and economic welfare of Ontario.

The Port Lands Bridges consist of four bridges commissioned by Waterfront Toronto as part of the Port Lands Flood Protection Enabling Infrastructure (PLFPEI) project. The futuristic bridges were designed and engineered by Entuitive, and are central to the $1.25B revitalization in Toronto’s Port Lands. The bridges were fabricated in Halifax and delivered to Toronto’s shores via the St. Lawrence seaway, with the steel weighing between 400 and 1,200 tonnes for each bridge.

Michael Meschino accepts the OEPA award for the Port Lands Bridges

The signature Port Lands Bridges (Cherry Street North & LRT Bridges, Cherry Street South Bridge and Commissioners Street Bridge) are steel-tied arch structures using open steel plate/shell elements curved in two directions. The bridges have all been designed to meet high aesthetic requirements with significant focus on the importance of the public realm aspects of the bridges.

Since arriving in 2022, the Port Lands Bridges have reflected the future-forward nature of the PLFPEI Project.

Questions? Contact Jonathan Werner.


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